Monday, January 18, 2010

Pearls and Swine

Originally uploaded by Pearls & Swine
You have to check out Pearls and Swine. I just stumbled upon them in the flickr Craft pool and I am totally digging these super sweet fascinators they have going on. I like that they have some that are really 'something' and not just pretty little hat like things (although i loves me some pretty little hat like things). This one of a sacred heart is just too cool for words. I would never have an occasion to wear it but I still want it- and in my book that means it is pretty darn cool.

Friday, January 15, 2010

signing off

New year. Time for a change. I am saying goodbye to 'Spes' and hello to 'RubyMarilyn'. Check it out.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

daily flickr- Pin Cushion Queen

Pin Cushion Queen
Originally uploaded by FiberArtsy
FiberArtsy has created this fantastic work of stitchery! The image is from Tim Burton's book 'The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy'. I have always thought that his sketches would translate well to stitches and here is the living proof. And isn't it great that she is the pincushion queen? I mean how much more stitcherific can you get than that? I also think the pincushion queen would make a really cool/creepy Halloween costume. Part voodoo doll/part crafty-creepy this may have to be added to my list for possible costumes this year.

Too early to make a list of Halloween costumes you say? HA. Never too early for Halloween costumes.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

daily flickr- yum!

Peppermint Patty Cupcake
Originally uploaded by missamyo
I am super hungry for some baked goods. I might have to go make some cookies right now...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

daily filckr-Inventors Wife

Inventors Wife
Originally uploaded by Opulent Oddities
This amazing necklace is from Opulent Oddities. Her collections are simply breathtaking! Check our her flickr and her etsy shop for lots of jewelry goodness.

The title 'Inventors Wife' just seems so perfect for this. For Christmas I was lucky enough to get a collection of H.G. Wells novels and I just finished reading 'The Time Machine'. I can just imagine the Time Traveler's wife (if he had one) wearing this necklace.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

daily flickr

sweater clip
Originally uploaded by ilovetweek
Isn't this sweater clip perfection? The mini-tie, the blazer, the whole look is really working for me. I love the look of a tie but I don't like the way they look on me- since I have a larger chest. This little mini tie would give just the right amount of 'business' to any outfit!